Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bippity-Boppity-boo. Is often the words that people contact with magic. When we think of magic we think of things like Santa, the tooth fairy, fairy god mothers, tricks and many other things. All these things are wonderful to believe in as long as you don't believe in them past your childhood. But, I don't agree. What's wrong with believing?

As a child I was all about believing in magic. I remember believing that everything wa good and pure. I did not believe in bad or negative things. I use to think that Tinker Bell was real, I would spend hours upon hours catching lighting bugs believing that they were magicial fairies. Santa was real. eve

As  a child everything was magical to me. I remember traveling with my dad and see things I wasn't use to.

Somewhere along the way I lost my ability to believe.
My entire life I grew up seeing and believing in the magic of love.  Then my parents split. To a child this is the end of the world; their world. My parents were my idiol, as a child I had never seen someone love the way my parents did. and then they just stopped. I then stopped beliving in the magic of the world. I didn't understand why this was happening, I no longer viewed the world as pure.

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