Friday, May 9, 2014

Kylee Stockton

English 101



“There is never enough time to do the things that you want.” (Stress 67)  As Nina Backsworth  said in her quote that there is  just never enough time to get the things you need to done. Life is busy and overwhelming, and when you are busy and over whelmed this leads to stress.  Stress is something that is felt worldwide. Stress comes from things like having kids, work, busy schedules, school and many other things. But, in a recent study at Cornell University the leading stress levels came from college undergraduates. Dr. Keno stated, “Over 78% of college undergrads are suffering for extreme stress. This being caused by the decreasing availability of jobs in the work force.”  (Cornell 76) As students continue to push themselves harder for the better chance at seceding.  Over the years many studies were ran on college students trying to reduce their stress levels. Some were given an extra two hours of sleep, some were given a hearty breakfast and lunch, and some also spent an extra hour studying course work. All studies were failures until the good, Doctor James A. Melac decided to give his test subjects a cupcake. He noticed right away that the levels of stress were decreasing with each bite that the subjects took. He had the break throw!  Give someone sugar and boom you have it!


The heavenly sweet taste that hits your tongue automatically sends you in a state of relaxation.  Dr. Melac explains: When a student or someone under a large amount of stress the sugar from the cupcake will reboot your brain into a high functioning state.  Once your brain is back to functioning this will allow your mind to clear reducing high levels of stress.

















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